Aims and Principles
Establish CAIRN as a permanent, effective and influential organisation
Build a united, active and growing membership
Empower our members in having a strong voice in their workplaces
Work with members to resolve workplace grievances and disputes
Provide educational and vocational opportunities for members
Improve the working conditions of members through campaigns and advocacy
Recruit a membership that is reflective of the diversity of performance professionals in Scotland.
Cultivate collaborative communication and solidarity between members
Build alliances with other organisations and causes that share CAIRN’s objectives
Appoint paid staff when financially possible and deemed necessary to assist with the duties of Cairn
Our member-led status is at the heart of our work and Cairn will uphold independence, democracy, transparency and accountability in all of our dealings
Cairn believes that all artists and their work are essential to a healthy society
Cairn believes that all performance professionals should receive a comfortable living wage for their work
Cairn believes that our members have the necessary experience and expertise to lead change in our sector
Cairn is cognisant of cultural and geographical diversity and believes that full participation in the artistic life of our society is beneficial for all